A Practical Guide to Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School offers straightforward advice, inspiration and a wide range of tried and tested approaches to help you find success in the secondary mathematics classroom. Illustrated throughout, this fully updated second edition includes new chapters on using ICT in the classroom and promoting a positive learning environment, as well as fresh and easy to use ideas that can help you engage your pupils and inspire mathematical thinking. Covering all key aspects of mathematics teaching, it is an essential companion for all training and newly qualified mathematics teachers.
Combining ideas and practical insights from experienced teachers with important lessons from educational research, this book covers key aspects of mathematics teaching, including:
A Practical Guide to Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School is an essential companion to the core textbook Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School. Written by expert practitioners, it will support you in developing imaginative and effective mathematics lessons for your pupils.
A Practical Guide to Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School offers straightforward advice, inspiration and a wide range of tried and tested approaches to help you find success in the secondary mathematics classroom. Illustrated throughout, this fully updated second edition includes new chapters on using ICT in the classroom and promoting a positive learning environment, as well as fresh and easy to use ideas that can help you engage your pupils and inspire mathematical thinking. Covering all key aspects of mathematics teaching, it is an essential companion for all training and newly qualified mathematics teachers.
Combining ideas and practical insights from experienced teachers with important lessons from educational research, this book covers key aspects of mathematics teaching, including:
A Practical Guide to Teaching Mathematics in the Secondary School is an essential companion to the core textbook Learning to Teach Mathematics in the Secondary School. Written by expert practitioners, it will support you in developing imaginative and effective mathematics lessons for your pupils.
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