Introducing The Famous Five to younger readers, aged 5 and up! In this full-colour, newly created adventure story, the Five investigate a mysterious noise on Kirrin Island...
The Five are camping on Kirrin Island and hear a mysterious noise coming from the castle. And when they don''t find anything in the dark, Dick tries to convince the others that it''s the ghost of Kirrin Island. But ghosts aren''t real... right?
Set in the world of Enid Blyton''s best-loved series, this newly created story follows Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timmy the dog on a special new adventure. The story is broken down into short chapters with vibrant, full-colour illustrations on every page - perfect for shared reading or for newly confident readers to enjoy independently.
Also look out for: The Birthday Adventure, Five to the Rescue!, Timmy and the Treasure, Five and the Runaway Dog and Message in a Bottle, illustrated by Becka Moor.
Enid Blyton''s eight original short stories about the Famous Five are also available as early readers illustrated by Jamie Littler. Collect them all!
A Lazy Afternoon
George''s Hair Is Too Long
Well Done, Famous Five
Five and a Half-Term Adventure
When Timmy Chased the Cat
Five Have a Puzzling Time
Good Old Timmy
Happy Christmas, Five!
The Famous Five®, Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton''s signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.
Introducing The Famous Five to younger readers, aged 5 and up! In this full-colour, newly created adventure story, the Five investigate a mysterious noise on Kirrin Island...
The Five are camping on Kirrin Island and hear a mysterious noise coming from the castle. And when they don''t find anything in the dark, Dick tries to convince the others that it''s the ghost of Kirrin Island. But ghosts aren''t real... right?
Set in the world of Enid Blyton''s best-loved series, this newly created story follows Julian, Dick, Anne, George and Timmy the dog on a special new adventure. The story is broken down into short chapters with vibrant, full-colour illustrations on every page - perfect for shared reading or for newly confident readers to enjoy independently.
Also look out for: The Birthday Adventure, Five to the Rescue!, Timmy and the Treasure, Five and the Runaway Dog and Message in a Bottle, illustrated by Becka Moor.
Enid Blyton''s eight original short stories about the Famous Five are also available as early readers illustrated by Jamie Littler. Collect them all!
A Lazy Afternoon
George''s Hair Is Too Long
Well Done, Famous Five
Five and a Half-Term Adventure
When Timmy Chased the Cat
Five Have a Puzzling Time
Good Old Timmy
Happy Christmas, Five!
The Famous Five®, Enid Blyton® and Enid Blyton''s signature are registered trade marks of Hodder & Stoughton Limited. No trade mark or copyrighted material may be reproduced without the express written permission of the trade mark and copyright owner.
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