''Butler writes with such a familiarity that the alien is welcome and intriguing. She really artfully exposes our human impulse to self-destruct'' LUPITA NYONG''O
''An icon of the Afrofuturism world, envisioning literary realms that placed black characters front and center'' VANITY FAIR
From literary pioneer Octavia E. Butler, the acclaimed Lilith''s Brood trilogy concludes with the story of Jodah, child of the Earth and stars, who risks the future of humanity just by growing up.
Jodahs is a child of the Earth and stars, born from the union between humans and the Oankali, who saved humanity from destruction centuries before.
But Jodahs is approaching adulthood, a metamorphosis that will take him beyond gender and family, and into a great but dangerous unknown.
Frightened and alone, Jodahs must come to terms with this new identity, learn to master lifechanging powers and bring together what''s left of humankind - or become the biggest threat to their survival.
''In the ongoing contest over which dystopian classic is most applicable to our time... for sheer peculiar prescience, Butler''s novel may be unmatched'' NEW YORKER
''Octavia Butler was playing out our very real possibilities as humans. I think she can help each of us to do the same'' GLORIA STEINEM
''Butler''s prose, always pared back to the bone, delineates the painful paradoxes of metamorphosis with compelling precision'' GUARDIAN
''One of the most significant literary artists of the twentieth century'' JUNOT DIAZ
''Octavia Butler was a visionary'' VIOLA DAVIS
''Her evocative, often troubling, novels explore far-reaching issues of race, sex, power and, ultimately, what it means to be human'' NEW YORK TIMES
''Butler writes with such a familiarity that the alien is welcome and intriguing. She really artfully exposes our human impulse to self-destruct'' LUPITA NYONG''O
''An icon of the Afrofuturism world, envisioning literary realms that placed black characters front and center'' VANITY FAIR
From literary pioneer Octavia E. Butler, the acclaimed Lilith''s Brood trilogy concludes with the story of Jodah, child of the Earth and stars, who risks the future of humanity just by growing up.
Jodahs is a child of the Earth and stars, born from the union between humans and the Oankali, who saved humanity from destruction centuries before.
But Jodahs is approaching adulthood, a metamorphosis that will take him beyond gender and family, and into a great but dangerous unknown.
Frightened and alone, Jodahs must come to terms with this new identity, learn to master lifechanging powers and bring together what''s left of humankind - or become the biggest threat to their survival.
''In the ongoing contest over which dystopian classic is most applicable to our time... for sheer peculiar prescience, Butler''s novel may be unmatched'' NEW YORKER
''Octavia Butler was playing out our very real possibilities as humans. I think she can help each of us to do the same'' GLORIA STEINEM
''Butler''s prose, always pared back to the bone, delineates the painful paradoxes of metamorphosis with compelling precision'' GUARDIAN
''One of the most significant literary artists of the twentieth century'' JUNOT DIAZ
''Octavia Butler was a visionary'' VIOLA DAVIS
''Her evocative, often troubling, novels explore far-reaching issues of race, sex, power and, ultimately, what it means to be human'' NEW YORK TIMES
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